HR Talent Management | BiznusSoft
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BiznusSoft Talent Management

BiznusSoft manage Positions within the Company and utilize them as Templates to create Job Openings. Delegation of HR & Recruiter's work through Job Requisition. Giving Managers & Supervisors the ability to request a Job Opening. Simplify the legwork using the Position Templates to bridge the communication gap between Supervisors & the HR Recruiter department during requisitions. The app comes with default Job Opening List page and Job Opening Detail pages. URLs are provided from the system to add straight to your website. In-built Candidate Portal to manage Candidate Applications, Communication, Interviews, and Offers. Fast-tracked Onboarding & New Hire data entry through reusing information entered at each process from Position, Job Opening, Candidate, to their Job Application info.

Save Time

by using Positions

Positions in BiznusSoft HR not only act as a basis for Compensation, and more. But they can also be used as a Template for Recruitment to auto-populate, so that even Managers who just need to fill in a spot in their team, can easily request for a Job, as the Position will be there to fill in the baseline information for them.


Save the following


  • Position Name

  • Minimum Pay

  • Maximum Pay

  • Position Limit

  • Job Description

  • Responsibilities

  • Education & Experience

  • Benefits


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Manager Self-Service for Job Requisitions

We make things simple for your Management to request for New Hires within their various teams, and Departments. By using Positions as Templates, and taking them through a Step-by-step Process. Reduce the burden on HR & your Recruiters by outsourcing some of that work to other team members.


  • Job Requisition process that will turn into a Job Opening when Approved and Activated


  • Associate Company Assets that New Hire will require from Physical Equipment to intangible assets like Software Licenses which can be sent to IT and other departments for provisioning upon a Hire.


  • Associate Standard Training Programs internal & external for automatic enrollment upon Onboarding.


  • Flexible Question Sets, use existing, and create your own on the Fly.


  • Centralized Approval center to track where a Requisition is at in it’s process.

Job Posting

For Large and Small Companies, Talent Acquisition is key, one area of flexibility that’s needed when coming to a new system is ease of use to Post Jobs on your Website. Our system is fully flexible to pull from and allow Aggregators to post. As well as integrate with Job Boards to reduce your recruiter's headache by centralizing your sources of data in one place.

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Candidate Portal

BiznusSoft HR provides an in-built Candidate Portal to facilitate the entire Candidate & Application process. Candidates can save their data and apply to other potential positions at the Company all from one location.

Application Process

Centralize, Review, and Act on Candidates from one location. Perform quick actions like Sending an Offer letter and Emailing candidates all from the same page.

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Hiring & Onboarding

Once an Application is moved to the Onboarding Step, and an Offer has been accepted, and available in the system. The New Hire becomes available in the Onboarding Hub where you can save your Hiring Manager’s time by utilizing the Job Opening Information, Candidate Information, and Application Info to populate and connect the New Hire to their Workforce Management records.


We also have a flexible system to generate Onboarding Tasks, and notifications of said new Hires to reduce potential Communication Gaps.

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